My Kingston is a ‘Worl a dance’, a city where dance is accessible 24/7s via performances, murals, classes, researches, exhibitions, street dance events, competitions, and much more because dance is life!

Rex Nettleford, Gerald ‘Bogle’ Levy, numerous Dancehall & Kumina Queens and countless colourful personalities in between, have long demonstrated Jamaica’s love affair with dance and so too the world’s fascination with our prowess.

It appears dancing inna every ting, but yet much is still missing. How about a Jamaica Dance Week where dance companies and individual teachers open their spaces and talents free to the public? How about a Jamaica Dance Museum where exhibitions on various genres, iconic performers and historic events are on display? How about a mobile dance library that travels the city and beyond,providing an interactive showcase? How about a Dancers’ Block where the walls of a street are lined with murals depicting dance? What about affordable and accessiblepublic dance studios? How about public-private partnerships that facilitate dance scholarships and paid internships?

JCDC’s dance competitions annually engages kids across the island in both popular and indigenous dance forms. Our sports men and women also celebrate their achievements by dancing, led by Usain Bolt. There is hardly an hour on television where the art form of dance isn’t visible, whetherthrough music videos, commercials among other programmes. We dance at weddings, funerals, schools and at churches too. The Rasta man skank, Chiney Wine, we Signal di plane, and even the Roast Breadfruit have been immortalized within our dance-scape.

Kingston come mek we Weddi Weddi, I feel we are ready!

Maria A. Hitchins